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Private Chat Room

  • Best Value

    Private Chat Room Plan

    Every month
    Perfect for Finding your auto body parts!
     60 day free trial
    • Real-Time Networking to Locate Your Auto Body Parts
    • Connect with Sellers of Auto Parts
    • Link up with Buyers of Auto Parts
    • Capability to Share Images and Make Phone Calls

Subscription Charges: After the completion of the trial period, your subscription will automatically continue, and you will be billed monthly at a rate of $55. This amount will be charged to the payment method you have on file with us. To avoid these charges, you must actively cancel your subscription before the renewal date each month. This automatic renewal ensures uninterrupted access to our services but requires your attention if you wish to discontinue the subscription post-trial. Failure to cancel will result in the subscription fee being charged to your account as agreed upon at the initiation of the trial period. Cancellation Policy: You can cancel your subscription at any time. Cancellation will take effect at the end of the current billing cycle, and you will not be charged for the next cycle. Refunds: Subscription fees, once paid, are non-refundable except in cases where refund policies are mandated by applicable law. This means that if a subscriber decides to cancel their subscription midway through a billing cycle, the fees for the unused portion of that cycle will not be prorated or refunded. Essentially, subscribers are responsible for the full subscription fee for the entire billing cycle, irrespective of whether the service is used throughout the entire period or not.

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